When dealing with industrial plant maintenance different types of problem crop up: personnel safety, extremely reduced intervention times and high quality work.

2019: Serbia: Maintenance Turnaround
Rental of aerial bundle extractor, truck mounted bundle extractor and bundle transporter

2018: Petrolchemical TAR

2017: Refinery TAR

The continuous investments for the design and construction of technically competitive equipment allow us to reduce intervention times, increase the safety level of the operating personnel and train skilled workers and technicians.

2017: Israel: Maintenance Turnaround, Ashdod Refinery
Activity of extraction and insert of heat exchangers tube bundles

Serbia: Maintenance Turnaround, Refinery Nis
General contractor Feromont Inženjering d.o.o.
Aerial Tube Bundle Extractor – Truck Mounted Tube Bundle Extractor – Tube Bundle Transporter

Maintenance PEOPLE MOVER – Venice

Maintentance and remake anti fire system

Maintenance services
- servicing and repairing equipment (exchangers, columns, reactors, etc.)
- industrial washing with robots and high pressure pumps
- cleaning and sanitisation of industrial and civil structures
- Tube bundle pullers rental
- chemical cleaning
- designing, building and rental equipment for extracting, transporting and washing heat exchanger bundles with robots

Special equipment
Taking full advantage of our expertise and know how, we have designed and made equipment that we have used to solve all problems in conjunction with extracting, handling and re inserting heat exchanger bundle.

Overhead bundle extractor – Aerial bundle extractor
It extracts heat exchanger bundles and is lifted by a crane truck. The crane supports the weight of both the extractor and bundle. Thanks to the extractors features, the operator manoeuvres the means automatically and in complete safety. Its great functionality reduces bundle extraction and re-insertion times.

Truck mounted bundle extractor
It extracts heat exchanger bundles completely autonomously and is the result of a technological development of the overhead extractor. Without a crane truck, this extractor works positioned on a truck with a lifting tower and can work up to a height of 7.5 metres. Although its working height is limited it still reduces the working times of the overhead extractor by 70%.

Heat exchange bundle transporter
Once the bundle is on the ground it is the transporters turn which, replacing the traditional crane truck with trailer, collects, transports and positions the bundle in the washing area. When maintenance is finished the transporter returns the bundle to the extractor.

- Bundle extractor
- Hydraulic tube bundle extractor
- Truck mounted tube budle extractor
- Heat exchanger bundle extractor
- Heat exchanger tube bundle extractor
- Bundle transporter rental
- Hydraulic heat exchanger bundle extractor
- Bundle extractor
- Cleaning tanks
- Rent bundle extractor
- Wash with hot water tanks
- Heat exchangers robotic cleaning
- Hydrodynamic cleaning with high pressure hot water
- Industrial high pressure washing
- Exchangers with high pressure washing robot
- Internal high pressure washing tanks
- Heat exchanger cleaning
- Heat exchangers bundle washing
- Hydrodynamic high-pressure condensers
- Hydrodynamic high-pressure distillation columns
- Very high pressure washing and cleaning with high pressure pump and robot
- Ultra high pressure cleanonin of heat exchangers
- MaintenanceTurnaround service, bundle extraction service
- Very high pressure industrial washing cleaning
- Heat exchanger bundle extractor
- Heat exchanger bundle transport
- Heat exchanger bundle push puller
- Exchanger bundle extraction
- Heat exchanger bundle extractor rental